Create your own membership site in a few minutes!

Download now for free & use it as long as you like!

DigiMember is a very functional, easy to use membership solution, which can transform every WordPress installation into a complete member area!

Install and activate the plugin, and within minutes you'll have your own membership site... completed with protected content that only your members have access to!

Integrate a payment provider and sell your memberships entirely automated!

Installation is easy...

Login to your WordPress dashboard
Click on “Plugins” → “Install”
Click “Upload Plugin”
Choose the DigiMember-ZIP file and upload it
Click “Activate”
Click “Save Changes”

Create your pages and protect them...

Which pages are needed for a member product and how to create them:

In this video we will show you which pages you should create before you start creating your first membership product.

Your first product...

Click “DigiMember” → “Products” 
→ “Add New Membership Product”
Give your product a name
Adjust further settings (optional)

Decide which pages should be protected as part of your product

Add a payment provider (DigiStore24)...

Go to “DigiMember” → “Settings”
Click the “Connect To DigiStore24” button
Login or create a new DigiStore24 account
Make a few payment settings

Make it easy - use the
DigiMember shortcodes...

In this video we will show you how to use the most important shortcodes (e.g. ds_account) to optimize your membership products.

As an example, we will show you how to create a page for your members to change their password and their displayed name.

Create a download product...

In this video we will show you how to create your first download product and create a hidden link for your source url.

Nobody can access your download product without a matching order!

...working all over the world!

You want more?

Get DigiMember PRO

Here's what you'll get:

Unlimited products (levels)
Unlimited member slots
Sequential activation (subscriptions)
Actions (tagging of members)
...and ALL other PRO-Features!

Just $27 / month

Copyright 2019 - DigiMember®